getting ready for a new show coming up at Corduroy, opening 7.2. the show is titled rainbowlogical, 7 artists, 7 color is green! more info on this coming soon.
"The colors in prison, or the no colors of public places, or sad public places, such as army camps and I suppose hospitals during the war years and things like see gray, you see metal colors, you see an off green with a bit of luck you may see a bit of brown, but mostly you see infinite shades of gray and dirty green. It's like if you deprive someone of colors for a certain time and then you introduce color, however small the area of color that you introduce there will be an intense bang of recognition, the real experience of that color. We live in a sea of colors everyday, we don't even realize that we are looking at them; a bed of pink roses on the wallpaper, or the white color of a bird, or the darkness of a shirt. We are washed over by the richness of colors all the time. But in a situation like prison, all of a sudden there's this eruption of color...a coffee wrapper for instance, or a leaf that got blown over the wall, or even a thread that somehow got through the can not possibly imagine the intense awareness or experience of that color ... as if you have never seen color before. " ~ Breyten Breytenbach
I was listening to an episode of This American Life and this interview with a previous prisoner, Breyten Breytenbach really struck me. His words reflect his experience of color in a very vivid and tangible way, where you can almost feel those explosions of recognition or consciousness. I just love the idea of a single piece of red thread that somehow miraculously arrived within a closed of and very protective environment. And for just a second, that piece of thread was heaven, a remembrance of the outside world, and the first color ever to be seen.
im working on a new series of drawings/paintings/cut paper pieces that are inspired by exploding stars. my last body of work was primarily white on white so im feeling the desire for dark black tones and a bit of green. growth within dark places and spaces.
im back from a very exciting and inspiring trip out to the mid-west. was so nice seeing old friends and making new ones too. here are a couple favorites from my trip, explore...
My show at St. Mary's College in South Bend, Indiana opens tonight! I wanted to share some pictures of the work and installation for those of you that can't make it to the opening. I have had an amazing time working on putting this show together, and now for the celebration!
a walk along the beach the other day allowed me to see the pulse of the sea. the snow gathered on the sand ripples revealing the patterns that the water created from flowing in and out. the contrast of the white snow revealed the colors of winter, beautiful rusts and moss.
just love kyle field's work. peter got me these little magical creatures, and they have been making me smile and dream about secret fairy lands. check out his site for more goodness.
I wanted to post some pictures of recent work that I have just shipped out to Indiana for my show at St. Mary's College titled "above, below and within" opening January 22nd. I'm really looking forward to a trip out to the good ole' mid-west, it's been a while since I've been landlocked and drank pop. Check out my website, I have loading some pictures up of new sculptures and works on paper.
If you need more shacks in your life...Be sure to also check out "Just As Long As You Are There" a new show opening this friday at Corduroy. Michael Dacey creates geometric plywood caves and beautiful letterpress prints. We sure wish we could make it.
This friday at SPACE gallery our artist collective is hosting a live drawing rally with 20 or more of some of the best artists in our fare city of Portland, Maine. The even goes from 5-8pm with music and beer aflowin'. Come bring home some affordable drawings minutes after completion.